Thursday, April 2, 2009

Back from d dead :)

WOohhoo..feels good to be back from "dead"! I'm not kidding, my body did feel like half dead due to chaotic weekend with the was soo much fun =)

Yeah, it comes with a price..but the body is now back in action after total shutdown for a day..
So much happening, cynna, bday party, karaoke, bbq by the pool..oppssss, pause! Thinking abt the BBQ itself makes me sizzles in contentment, from someone to the whole lads of football team. "THEYHATEUS" (quite sure this is wat they are called)

One particular person still seems to haunt me till now, and naaahhh..its not that black Willie, it's Willie's brotha! ( nigga!)

Suddenly, Katie Perry's- THINKING OF YOU was humming in my ears..and that's exactly how I feel...OMG, I'm sooo MIA rite noww!! huahahahaha...Let me try if I can ever get his image outta my head soon!!

P/s: Natrisha, u sure know who and what I'm blabbering about, so, DON'T laugh! Ur friend is soo in her MIA mode...lalalalalalal... ;) *winks*