Friday, March 20, 2009

It takes me this long to finally realised men in numbered T-shirts looked HOT! HOT! Not necessarily they are hot as a person, somehow...most of them wearing these numbered T- shirts appeal to be hotter than usual ( hangat dari biasa? HOT. fm ke?? HAHAHAHA!) Must be something about these numbers..especially those Polo T- shirts with the number sticking on those arms! Not sure about might just be me! HAHHAHAHA! *winkies* ^_^


Feisal AJ said...

i've seen quite alot of abengs and mat rempits (no offense to both group of ppl :p ).. so do u like them too?

Devilicious Angel said...

Hhahhaha...must be less fortunate event for u..since i have not bumped into one yet! MWAHAHAHAHAH!

Feisal AJ said...

owh reaaally? or r u trying to deny that u like those rempits style guys?

Devilicious Angel said...

Feisal sgt poyo!! HAHAHAHAHAHA

Jun said...


Devilicious Angel said...

Jun: Those giggles are meant for our fighting...OR cos u have one (or more) of those t-shirts? hahahaha!

Devilicious Angel said...

Jun: Those giggles are meant for our fighting...OR cos u have one (or more) of those t-shirts? hahahaha!