Saturday, November 15, 2008

............'s been a while since I wrote anything..well, the the fact that I have this terrible laptop to start with...loading anything will take ages and despite of all the time I have...aa--aa..i'm not that patient to wait for u!!ooopssss...

Been enjoying my free time, going to bed late, and of course getting up late also! hehehe...well, till my parents say something..i might as well enjoy the free moments.

Going to lunch with the guys in OU once or twice a week...aww...that kinda mend my missing heart!! hehhehe...u guys are just enjoyable!!

Nite time: dinner, karaoke, movie, coffee...all u can think of..i've done it all...and best thing is i dun have to worry abt things like- oww..i got meeting tomorrow or..shit tmrw's an early start! hehehehe...heaven eh?

Bottom line- there's no TGIF for me at the moment cos everyday's feels like wkend to me!! or shd i steal TGIF tagline: Everydays feels like FRIDAY!! hahhaha...go ahead, ENVY me all u want! mwahhhahahahah *evil laugh*