Overwhelming wedding invitations, not to forget engagement...and ahem...birthdays! hhheehee...Anyhows;
Congrats to Norain Surina who officially transformed into a lovely bride with grace today..not to mention your fake lashes...simply love it darling! hahahahah..Altho, she looks awkward wearing heels and I must say she has never worn one before! woohooo
A little sweet note also goes to Wan Farra on her lovely engagement cum birthday bash for today.. You looked lovely and the ceremony was just as sweet.
CONGRATULATIONS LOVELIES!!!! (Just waiting patiently for my sweet time to come...one day it will eventually, AMIN!)
* More weddings to come for following weeks! :)
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Month of endless Weddings..
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 12/20/2009 03:36:00 AM 2 comments
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Couples Retreat
While my dad and spoiled beloved son went for a facial treatment ( yea, I can't believe it either!hahaha) me and 3 other princessa decided to go for a movie...oh man, hell lot of people in 1-U...luckily the Q for ticket's purchasing wasn't that long..tentatively we wanted to go for 9.20pm show but end up watching midnite's....I know, saturday nite, movie..for the rest im sure u can do the math! hehhehehe
Decided to watch the movie since few friends of mine said it was good..personally? I would rate it 3/5...a bit draggy here and there and was not really up to my expectation..funny yet not so tickling! Got what I'm trying to say? So, basically thats abt it..next aim, princess and the frog, jom mr. F! hehehhee...
Managed to had a quick bite of my home made cotton soft cheese cake earlier...mmmphhh, heaven!
Tooodleess XOXO
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 12/13/2009 04:26:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Tak sedap hati....
Mesti semua org penah rasa perasaan nie kan? ape korang buat??? suddenly I pun rasa tak sedap hati abt something....should I stay positive and ignore this feeling? No, I must get myself out of it...hurmm..jgn proceed la, better that way kan? Lately macam takde mood nak buat ape pun...longlai semacam...haihhhh!
xoxo Toodlesss!
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 12/12/2009 05:53:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Pakcik...oh Pakcik!
Dear Pakcik aka Feisal AJ,
Just so u know, my interest and time has now diversified to lotsa stuff since i started working...thus, less updates on my blog...nevertheless, you can still check my FB updates and chat with me through YM ( not that you're not doing that currently!!) hahhhaahaa...I guess someone just miss me terribly! HHHAHAHAHAAHHAAH! I know u'll deny the fact anyway... like I care!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wahahahahah =)
Sekian update untuk ketika ini...satisfied? :P
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 11/12/2009 01:08:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
PMS ooooo PMS!
Sekian terima kasih.
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 10/15/2009 11:55:00 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Typo! typo!
Walaowei...my typo's getting worst each day. There'll be at least one in each sentence..blerghhh! Maybe I should work with IBM again...to stay detailed and meticulous... errrr! :P
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 10/07/2009 02:41:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Berita Harian, Khamis, 30 Julai 2009.
" Juara bertahang Ong Beng Hee pula terpaksa bergelut sebelum menewaskan Muhd Asyraf yang menampilkan pergerakan pergerakan tangan mengelirukan untuk kerap memerangkap pemain kedua kebangsaan itu."
You should be happy to hear that Asy, well played game... a sign that a champion is on its way to beat Ong Beng Hee! U seems to frustrated losing to Beng Hee( its expected rite?hahaha)..but it takes time and the time is not now..i'm sure u will reach there in no time Asyraf Azan. Go Asyraf! :)
At least Beng Hee struggles to beat u up! it was not an easy game for him too!
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 7/30/2009 11:07:00 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Dear bloggie,
How have u been? I've been neglected u for too long that I dun think u will ever recognize me anymore..not that I don't have anything to tell...but I guess there's just too many happenings..anyhow, been busy going out...and look at me now..sick as a bird. Flu, cough...kinda terrified actually..i'm in doubt..but I hope it's just a normal flu..plus the tiring journey I had going up north to Perlis and coming back...freakin 6-7 hours! Somehow, I had fun meeting back the old lads...they are fun and crazy and i'm gonna miss them :(
Apart from that, after great loss to the world's music scene MJ...here comes Yasmin Ahmad..kinda shocking..a great loss to our local industry that is. May you rest in peace Yasmin. Amin.
On the other hand...speedy recovery for me! Pleaseee....
Toodlewssss :)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 7/29/2009 02:48:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Birthday Shoutout! :)
Back in 1982 dated June 25, a girl was borned...and now after 27 years the same girl...but older..is here to celebrate her birthday again....Woooowweeeee...Happy Birthday Puteri Ainun Nazirah Najmi...errr...that's me...a lil freaky...but anyway...yeah..my birthday! More celebrations coming! Above all...I'm happier by each day...So should u! Ok, let's get the party started people...Heart U lovelies! Mwahhhhhhhhhhhhh :)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 6/25/2009 02:01:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
After 12 awesome yearssss.....

Anyway, welcome back to my like both Zaiful and Fazza...U guys meant something to me...after 12 years being separated...cos u guys rockss!!! It was the best thing happening to me so far! :)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 6/16/2009 04:42:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Great! Sape suruh gatal sgt??? Sibuk nak pg take a sneak peak at lil sis blog! I can't help it...and yeah..now I deserved the consequences...fuck! One after another...the truth reveals..which also make up of the puzzled pieces all this while.
Picture this:
" For the people who might don't know me quite deep enough, Im a bi...NOT a les but just bi ok?? "
Well...to some strangers it might not matter as much...but that statement came from my sister! My fucking SISTER ok!!!!!
Well, the rest you wouldn't wanna know...there's pictures and description which euwww me to the max!!! Although ur saying ur a BI...u seem to have more interest in girls...well it was obviously shown that way..
Man, I don't know...afterall she's still my lil sis and I hate to be judgemental and all...but its still soo wrong..I hope you'll be back to where you shd be one day lil sis! I really do...
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 6/09/2009 03:08:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 8, 2009
Birthday Wish List ;)
Wheeee...before I know it my 27th birthday is gonna be here in no time...and honestly I have quite a handful of people who celebrate it this month. Anyhow, my birthday wish list would be as follows:
- A job ( I might be getting it for someone...no high hopes tho!)
- A nice crazy getaway to anywhere
- Handsful of extra cash
- A complete MAC make up set :D
- Estee Lauder Perfume (Pleasure)
- A new laptop..
- Get me pissed high :P Kidding...hhahaha
- To have a day of unlimited shopping spree..
- A day with my favourite man- NE-YO! Oww man, he's awesome!!!
- Last but not least a less complicated and troubled relationship :(
That's all I'm asking and would that be too much?? Btw, I watch the same episode of Ghost Whisperer twice and busted in tears twice...Sacrifice issues really touch me deep man! So, anyone of you wish to grant my wish would be more than welcome :D
toowwwdlessss with a kiss! ;)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 6/08/2009 03:02:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Things I hAte aBoUT U!
Its the way you make me blush and shiver everytime I see u.
The comfort of your hugs.
The way you make me laugh with all your silly jokes.
As much as laughing, sometimes you make me cry.
The way that we're so different but somehow that completes us.
The fact that I can't be mad at u too long...I hate u for this.
As much as I hate you for so many reasons and regardless of countless of time you make me pissed...u never fail to make me fell right into your arm, simply by saying I know my girl can't be mad at me soo long!!! Urghhhhhh!!! My sweetest drug...benci taw..i hate u..i hate u...and i hate u the most cos I love u! There...puas! ;)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 5/23/2009 12:42:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 21, 2009
jelaskan padaku isi hatimu
seberapa besar kau yakin padaku
untuk tetap bisa bertahan denganku
menjaga cinta ini
pertengkaran yang terjadi
seperti semua salahku
mengapa selalu aku yang mengalah
tak pernahkah kau berfikir
sedikit tentang hatiku
mengapa ku yang harus selalu mengalah
pantaskah hatiku masih bisa bersamamu
jelaskan padaku isi hatimu
seberapa besar kau yakin padaku
untuk tetap bisa bertahan denganku
menjaga cinta ini
mengapa selalu aku yang mengalah
tak pernahkah kau berfikir
sedikit tentang hatiku
mengapa ku yang harus selalu mengalah
pantaskah hatiku masih bisa bersamamu
Haizzz....yeah, dedicated for me! moi! I shd learn to give in..and its my biggest challenge! :(
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 5/21/2009 04:17:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Its a love story baby just say yes!
Isn't that the "in" song at the moment?? And so much of a love story I had tonite with my so called romeo who can't wait to chip in once the song starts..we sure sang it beautifully with an incredibly awesome ending...at least that's wat I saw on everyone's face once we end it with a bang! hehheehehee (altho we couldn't care less that the rest don't even know who Taylor Swift is!) Anyhow, walaupun awak menyelit seberapa kali dlm lagu saya...(omg, the sentence doesn't sounds rite?) I love u anyway :) :) :)
Gosh...enuff on the love story (u ppl shd listen to the song)..major thing now...major! SHOULD I CUT MY HAIR??? Erghh...I need some fresh look, more bold..maybe! Looking at my 3 sisters all having their hair cut, kills me..well, at least all of us have dyed our head with different shades of red! Copper red, burgundy, red..u name it! I'm currently eyeing on one of Posh's famous hairstyle...I've always wanted that...maybe this is the time? Wat do u guys think? Cool? Someone give a go and I'll do it..cos I know I will never get someone's approval for this. So, the trick basically is just go for a cut...and taraaaa...hahhaah...or else, I can still hear his screaming voice the last time a friend suggested that I cut my hair...where I dun even have a chance to say a word..not even a nod! Wat do u say people?? Do I hear a YES?? ahaaaa...silence definitely means one! huhhahahahahhaha... :D
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 5/19/2009 04:14:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
We were both young when I first saw you.
I close my eyes and the flashback starts:
I'm standing there on a balcony in summer air.
See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns.
See you make your way through the crowd
and say hello;
Little did I know
That you were Romeo; you were throwing pebbles,
And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet."
And I was crying on the staircase,
begging you, 'Please, don't go.'"
And I said,
"Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone.
I'll be waiting; all there's left to do is run.
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story - baby just say 'Yes.'"
So I sneak out to the garden to see you.
We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew.
So close your eyes; escape this town for a little while.
'Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter,
And my daddy said "Stay away from Juliet,"
But you were everything to me; I was begging you, 'Please, don't go,'"
And I said,
"Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone.
I'll be waiting; all there's left to do is run.
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story - baby just say 'Yes.'
Romeo save me - they're tryin' to tell me how to feel;
This love is difficult, but it's real.
Don't be afraid; we'll make it out of this mess.
It's a love story - baby just say "Yes.'"
I got tired of waiting,
Wondering if you were ever comin' around.
My faith in you was fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town,
And I said,
"Romeo save me - I've been feeling so alone.
I keep waiting for you but you never come.
Is this in thy head? I don't know what to think-"
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said,
"Marry me, Juliet - you'll never have to be alone.
I love you and that's all I really know.
I talked to your dad - go pick out a white dress;
It's a love story - baby just say 'Yes.'"
:D :D :D
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 5/13/2009 05:45:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 8, 2009
Hospital kills me :(
I can't take it anymore...those nights in the hospital keeping my granny company absolutely killing my guts off! :(
One thing that she's a royalty and definitely act like one...where nothing can satisfy her...and I have to keep myself to that...it's simply like entertaining lil child...one minute she's fine...another, she's not...and requesting this and that...plus she has her own maid to look after her..but hey no..no...she must have her grandchildren or children by her side and not that we can leave her for 1 freaking minute...but hey, that's not my major problem...she's my gramma, i love her...and i'm used to her attitude...and when she's fine she can be really cool!
It's the hospital which kills me the most...i hate being there! Dunno whether this has something to do with the fact that I've never been admitted even once in my 27 freaking years! My sisters, mom...pretty much has experience been in one though...Thus, the fact I'll have to wait for her alone and surrounded by other sick patients...and u have no idea how sick they are...totally crumbles me into fine pieces!
Please...please...how much longer do i have to suffer and can we just bring u home??? I can take care of u even better in our own comfortable bed! God, please make her all good and all the tests to come out fine! Have mercy in me..us! AMIN.
* But hey, wat happened to my chatterbox??? might be deleted or never exist?? who the fuck deleted it offfff???????? pfttttt!!! grrrr!*
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 5/08/2009 04:34:00 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Another Birthday...another headache..
Phewwwww....April is a busy birthday month huh???and quite a controversial one I must say...yeah, as human...we tend to forget when there's a lil bit too much to remember. Somehow it's hard to keep everyone on track and so...Happie Birthday to ALL April born babies..my sincere and deepest apologies if anyone of u guys slipped off my memory for some apparent reason.
Anyway, I'm so glad it's now very close to and end..I wanna close this off by wishing a very..very happie birthday with love to my only brother- MEGAT MUHD FIKRI (YAYIE) as well as one of my besties- NAJIB SALMAN! And sooooooooooooooooo...... HAPPY BROTHERLY BIRTHDAYSSSSSS GUYS!!!! U know Ilove ya...altho sometimes I might not seem like one! I'm ur evil big sister! huahahahaha
Andddd....shitttttttt...I just realised I have a lil bit too many stuff planned for the weekend...This is wat happened when u pretty much say OK to everyone...urghhh, I'm stuck...it's OK, I'll follow priority:
- Najib's birthday celebration (which I dun really have a proper plan yet...need to discuss with others)
- Natrisha's coming with the parents- and so, I definitely need to spend time with these special people..they're like my 2nd family man! ehehehhe..heart u bby!
- Eki's coming over for the wkend from JB..need to meetup and together with our super cool ex lecturer DR CT! So, it sounds like a MUST DO!
- Putri's Wedding..(she's a fren and not at all related to me...we sound the same but spelling is different, so take note!hahahha)
And I swear I must have slipped 2-3 more things to be included but I forgot wat they are cuz everything is just too overwhelming! *Headspin*
Later guys!
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 4/29/2009 12:50:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 20, 2009
After listening to MAD by Neyo over and over...I think its not good for me or anyone there to continously being mad...jgn terus-terusan marah doang! hahahahaha...well yeah, at least at the end of the day lil angel will come to you..crawling...such a life saver!
And yes I meant u bby Anas...although ur practically 1 year plus...but I can see why ur mom loves u soo much...and u've taken my heart by storm! Goshhh...see...I'm bragging about someone else's nephew...errrr..sorry boy...u got ur competitor now! hahahahahaa
He can hardly speak...but I heard him calling me auntie...awwwwwwwwwwww!!! I'm an auntie now...feel soo old...it's ok..ur an uncle too! so??hhahahahaa, I'm sure that's pretty similar to a feeling where a baby burst out the word MAMA for the first time..miracle! And "uncle", how can u find a lil baby annoying...they're just one of the magic wonders in the world..at least in my heart they are! So, dun blame me if i miss him more than u after this "uncle"! hahhhahahaha
I can still hear his voice..nak cucu! hahahhaha (milk that is!) and mwahhhhhh...soo clever kids nowadays! :)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 4/20/2009 05:59:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 17, 2009
Pffftttt...All..taxi drivers in Malaysia are such pain in the ass!! agree?? silence means yes..i'll take it as yes..seriously this time i mean ALL of them..not most..not some! Remember all cab drivers out there...I would be the last person you would want to mess with on the freaking road!!!! errghhh..i had enuff patience of u cabbies! For other ppl's sake especially me...go fuck up ur cab somewhere in mars before u learn some driving courtesy on planet earth!!! assholesssss!!!! GGGGGGGrrrrrrrrrrr
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 4/17/2009 04:07:00 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
I wanna go singapore...uniquely singaporee....
Ya..ya...to meet my sweethearts especially Natrisha..not too mention, Fizah, Michelle, Charlotte..hiks! I miss u guyssss...
My journey is tentatively booked for this coming Wed. but yeah...SOMEONE totally insist on changing my plan, urghhh i'm contemplating still! Seriously, which one shd I go for??? Its as if your spirit is sizzling with joy but suddenly wind blows..so my flaming spirit is being blowned left and right without knowing where I should stay still and keep burning...haizzz..
Wednesday April 8,
Meet up with my best girlfrens and have fun (includes party, sightseeing, shopping..name it..rite babe??) Oww..not to forget...accompanied by hurmm..quarter of the football team? Shahir, JR, Razeen..that can be xtra fun! Hiks :P
Wednesday April 15,
Meet with my best girlfrens and hope to have fun..well..a little I hope..because..I might be going back and forth to JB for his mom's bday surprise..going to his sis's nasi briyani restaurant and who knows what can go on and on..now, meeting mom....stay calm Puteri! phewwwww..(taking deep breath here!) LOL!
BUT, he gave his word to have fun and all..and going to Spore because I wanted to, and yeah...we need that.
Yet still..I dunno...help me choose ppl!!
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 4/07/2009 02:45:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 6, 2009
Happie Birthday Icky!

crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 4/06/2009 05:32:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Back from d dead :)
WOohhoo..feels good to be back from "dead"! I'm not kidding, my body did feel like half dead due to chaotic weekend with the girls...it was soo much fun =)
Yeah, it comes with a price..but the body is now back in action after total shutdown for a day..
So much happening, cynna, bday party, karaoke, bbq by the pool..oppssss, pause! Thinking abt the BBQ itself makes me sizzles in contentment, from someone to the whole lads of football team. "THEYHATEUS" (quite sure this is wat they are called)
One particular person still seems to haunt me till now, and naaahhh..its not that black Willie, it's Willie's brotha! (euwww...so nigga!)
Suddenly, Katie Perry's- THINKING OF YOU was humming in my ears..and that's exactly how I feel...OMG, I'm sooo MIA rite noww!! huahahahaha...Let me try if I can ever get his image outta my head soon!!
P/s: Natrisha, u sure know who and what I'm blabbering about, so, DON'T laugh! Ur friend is soo in her MIA mode...lalalalalalal... ;) *winks*
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 4/02/2009 03:56:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 26, 2009
"Hi dear kakzy!! All my fotos got more n more as i have been TOO lazy to add 'em! So im adding them b4 i go to work lah.. Later no time! ahhahahah! Still got some more u know! So do watch out ok? HAHAHAHA! Miss you too! Come to SG soon! Love, me. "
Love, me????? HAHHAHAHHAHA...Wtf???? haiyayayayyya..ur still the same crazy yet naive little dikzy, Michelle Virtucio.
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 3/26/2009 08:45:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 3/25/2009 04:48:00 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Selamat Ulang Tahun Sayang... :)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 3/24/2009 10:56:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 22, 2009
My "chicky" Sunday
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 3/22/2009 05:07:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 20, 2009
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 3/20/2009 08:59:00 PM 7 comments
Friday, March 13, 2009
Lovelies in a box :)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 3/13/2009 02:27:00 PM 6 comments
Was somewhere in Amcorp Mall when I was greeted by 2 girls- Good afternoon and suddenly one of them said..whoa...ur so high!! Erkkkkk...what am I? a building? I put on a little smile, look at them and walk away...haiyayaya
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 3/13/2009 09:33:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Selamat Pengantin Baru Izka & Zul ;)

crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 3/10/2009 11:04:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
The Neverending story..goes on and on...
Once upon a time in a magical land far..far away...
There was a cruel king called Hizam.
Hizam was a father with a kid named Thomas.
Thomas ironically is a girl...
Together with his evil wicked wife..
One day, Hizam rides to the forest to head hunting.
While had the song "Sex Dwarved" went thru his head...
Suddenly he heard voices...so familiar it seems...
Like a philharmonic orchestra with a beatiful soprano...
He met with Princess Ainun, trapped in a trapeze of a spider web.
And princess said...r u my prince charming?? ;)
Then suddenly Hizam felt the world around him spin and he fainted...
So fast? naaa...while saying, "my lady what are u doing in the middle of the forest? Are u head hunting as well?"
Princess panicked, couldn't breath...and she fainted too!
Masya allah dua2 pun fainted...Then came Thomas, his son to the rescue...
Subsequently, they both recovered as they heard loud howling from three infamous jungle beasts, Admen, Faezal and Sharifah.
Thomas said...let me spank you....
With confused expressions, Princess said..spank who??
Spank the three infamous beasts...
Owww..please have mercy Thomas..they dun mean any harm...they are my friends... ( said Princess)
But thomas went on and spanked Hizam instead..
Hizam was unexpectedly in a mode of "embracing"
Hizam said, "Thomas! You ungrateful son! Stop spanking me. There are three beasts here. They may eat us anytime! Spank them!!!"
Then Fabio came...
Gang up with the three beasts against Hizam and the lovely son Thomas
Fabio died instantly. Hizam said, "Oh stop introducing new characters!!"
Fabio couldn't die....
But...Fabio my long lost lover!!! oh...my :(
The three beast then decided to play poker among themselves...
Hizam and Thomas were having dinner, fried rice with chicken
Hizam found a double barrel shotgun, mounted with a grenade launcher and snow cone maker...
And those are not guns and explosives!!! Those are MCDonald's latest meals!
So Hizam fed a snowcone to Fabio, the princess gasped...
Then came Dato Siti Nurhaliza singing her latest song...
She was killed by Thomas right away with the magical stones thrown onto Siti's forehead!
ahhhhh..PERCAYALAHHHHH....said Siti in her last word...(of course lah after that she mengucap heheheh)
Hizam was running towards Siti, trying to save her, but too late, Thomas was so good, blame it on Hizam!! LMAO!!
As Siti died, Fabio vanished into thin air.
The princess slapped Hizam with a Webster's Dictionary..
Hizam's teeth were broken and some lost somewhere...
Surprisingly Hizam looked better than before...
Yes, that happened in magical land far-far away....anything is possible...Then, Hizam decided to have a facial appointment with Thomas...
At thomas & guys saloon in puchong coz they are VIP members...
Then Thomas used Oxford's dictionary and slapped Hizam to see whether it works better...
None works better for Hizam...
Hizam fainted. He gasped for air.
Thomas sprinkled some water onto Hizam's face...yawning looking at his father lying unconciously, acting like a lazy Russian peasant...
Then suddenly.....
Iklan Digi berkumandang.
I will follow u...folllow u, wherever u take me...sings the princess as she suddenly become concious..
She or he? i thought it's Hizam who was unconcious.
Hizam was startled by the princess's singing as the voice sounded like Axl Rose, thus Hizam became fully awake..
And find himself lying down naked on a heavenly bed, surrounded by 7 dwarves...
And surprised to see himself in the mirror. "Ya Allah, not George Michael again!"
And he couldnt help but started belting out Careless Whisper passionately..
"It was all a dream!!!" uttered Hizam as he woke up from his sleep in the karaoke room while Zin, Zarina, Faezal and Syed attempted an Il Divo version of Careless Whisper.
Doe a deer a female deer..
Huahahahah..i tot it never came to and end in the first place. It's this game we played where one person starts with a sentence and the other continues...until it eventually stops, and how absurd it has been...lol! New sentences above was contributed by different person, including me! (I bet u guys can easily guess which sentences came from me..)
Anyhow, thanks to Abg Bart for inviting us to play this game along with you, and I'm sure u'll thank me one day for keeping this piece of archive junks with me...huahahaha, it's been real fun and I wonder..maybe Intel does not keep you occupied enough with all those jobs? :P
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 3/09/2009 09:17:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 6, 2009
B: Hey, how's my girl doing?
Me: Aww..morning my boy...
B: Morning sunshine..
Me: hehehhe..im good, r u ok? dah bfast?
B: I'm ok..
B: Girl..I need to tell u something..well, suppose to be a secret. I got to know about it yesterday
Me: Secret? ape nie? U suka buat i berdebar pagi2 ni kan?
B: hahhaahah..well, i'm not suppose to tell u, but u know I always share anything with you kan?
Me: Yeah, i know that..ok, go on..tell me.
B: I tak blh tahan, so, I have to tell someone..and that someone is you
Me: Omg..berdebar ok!
B: Ok, here you go...
Me: OMG..seriously?? itu la rahsianya??? hilang debar i..i igt gossip mana lagi td...cos i seriously can't handle any more..
Haahaahaa..wtf?? somehow I'm soo relieved that is the secret..exaggerating sgt tauuuu!!! I can't handle anything more outrageous than this..
Lil note: Ajak is my fren from Abu Dhabi..and secretly flying back home to surprise us! Boohoo! Big surprise la..and I guarantee you, by now 85% of your frens already knew abt it...hehheheeh..Punk'd u allrite! Plus, my plan to take a break form partying is all screwed, with him coming home..yeah people..u bet! HE'S A REAL PARTY ANIMAL! ;)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 3/06/2009 01:30:00 PM 0 comments
Any kindhearted geniuses mind lending me ur time machine?? I seriously wanna turn back time..enjoyed my past life..its way better than present; I missed those time..and I miss u!
Pleaseeeeeeeee!! I wanna get up next day to be in one of those past days! Seriously, somethings missing here.
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 3/06/2009 05:27:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 5, 2009
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 3/05/2009 12:02:00 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Great..Rihanna made up with Chris Brown! Soft hearted ladies..typical!
Now, I can see myself attending the delayed concert most probably by end of this year. You might get bashed up again within this recovering mode..who knows? Urgghhh *sigh*
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 3/04/2009 09:32:00 AM 0 comments
Birthday Note :)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 3/04/2009 05:33:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Party scene by surprised!
Party like a rockstar..ahhhaaa..that's wat kids do best when the parents are out of town..similarly to my case... ( ahahaha..as if i dun go out if they are home), not that I become superwild or anything, just less interruptions I would say..or else I would get a text msg at 4 am, asking where r u now?hhahahahhaa...they are more concern on me being all by myself driving alone, and i totally understood.
Anyhow, after partying hard with my girlies last week, (awwww, i seriously miss u girls!!) I went back to cynna last nite..tadaaaa..guess wat? I was caught by surprised- it was Rachel, my IBMers colleague who also happened to sit opposite of me when I was in office. I was so shocked but we were both happy at the same time! Woohooo..lots of catching up to do. I asked her; who else's with you here? She grabbed my hand...to meet her frens inside...more surprise...
I guess the stress really makes these people goes hyper on the dance floor. Great, I saw the whole bunch of ppl I know...hhahaah..Jessica, Chintana, Jamie, Jeffrey, Jun Yu, Cass, Chatwin (btw,smooth steps Chat!)..OMG, it became like IBM reunions! hahhaahaha..and everyone goes like..Puteriii!!!!!!!!!!!! when they saw me.. (Feisal, u missed the whole exciting scene, with all those pretty ladies..luckily "princess" was not there)
I must say it was a real surprise, but fun nite! not to mention, some other girlfrens and guys I bumped in yesterday...(until Rachel goes, u have frens all over..hahahah) coincidentally only yesterday, I would say.
I might consider Rachel as my clubbing companion after this, not just because she's a petite, cute sweet girl..she's practically my guardian angel from some sleazy guys. Thanks dearie for your concern until I safely got into my car last nite..and then home...really, my many thanks! :)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/28/2009 10:04:00 PM 12 comments
Friday, February 27, 2009
*Smile* :)
We finally met after few months being away from each other..yeah I decided, I need my space and good for him too.
I must admit things are kinda awkward. I was not behaving the way I should..aihh..it should be what? kan? Nothing much changes for him though..the same jolly, happy like he always did..
The big hugs feel good! Warm as always and yeah...u also have my smeared lips stain on ur cheeks as souvenir. It's a habit for you to rub it on your cheeks and take a quick smell- what flavour I'm wearing..hahhahaa...that's sweet! It's always our favourite berries! :)
And somehow, I was soo nervous and end up sweating like pigs while we're having dinner. You gently wipe away my sweat with those tissues in your hand...feels like a new beginning all over again.
Suddenly, life feels like heaven all over again! :D
* Believe me, seronoknya bile ade org tolong kipas and lap peluh masa kita tgh mkn! kakkakaka...envy me people! :P *
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/27/2009 12:43:00 AM 2 comments
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Alahhh..emo all u want! as if I care...tak kuasa nak layan..you started it!
Watever happens, I still strongly believe and holding still to what our dearly Kevin said ( and yes, he is Kevin Zahri)- NOTHING IS FREE!
And I'm definitely not risking myself trapped in that complications. Full stop!
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/26/2009 03:52:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
It's not funny...silly!
H: Hi Puteri, how are you?
Me: Hey, i'm good..just a bit tired. Fun wkend. How's urself? What are you doing?
H: Majid went back to China and i'm alone. It's very boring right now..do you have anything to do today?
Me: Aw...pity u..well I have family dinner tonite..maybe tmrw we can go out if you want.
H: No, i don't wanna go out. Maybe you can come to my house tonite. I really want something for tonite..what do you think?
Me: What do you mean by something? your hse? What exactly do you have in mind?
H: Sex!!!
Me: What??? after what happened I really thot ur a good guy..i'm sorry but i'm not any of those cheap sluts! damn u..i'm soo dissapointed!
H: Hhahahahaha..it was a joke..c'mon, did u really belive that? I'm actually not in KL right now..I'm in Penang but it is so boring here, so I got bored. Sorry girl, but it was just a joke :)
Well, lemme just stop our sms conversations there..what do you think? Was it seriously a joke in the first place or it became a joke after I cursed him off? I'm so confused..but it was definitely a turn off!
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/24/2009 08:59:00 AM 9 comments
Thursday, February 19, 2009
yada..yada..yakitty yak! :)
Pretty much my upcoming wkend will be very occupied since my BFF is coming to town!! Welcome back to KL girl!!! Woohooo..let's rock the townnnnnn...here's the plan:
- Check in to Concorde KL at 2 plus...
- Go out to KLCC diggin' our Chillis..omg...*drool*
- Walk around, shop a little
- Back to hotel, dinner
- Get ready for the fantabulous nite @ Cynna...woohooo!!! Just dance like Lady Gaga ok babeee??
- We're through for the nite ;)
- Start off our day with buffet breakfast..I hope I have energy to wake up this early.
- Karaoke session@ Redbox Pavillion
- Walk around, drinks, bowling etc...
- Back to hotel, rest..
- All ready for 2nd nites of fun @ Quattro..woohooo!!! Shake it babyyy!! wahhhahahaha
Sunday's not included...cos I wish it never comes..the fun ends there! erghhh..
Heck, let's not go there yet..now is all about FUN! FUN! Yeahhhh..yeayyy!! Any takers wish to join us? hehehhehe :D
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/19/2009 03:38:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 16, 2009
You got me...
I MISS you more than anything in the world....
I really do..the same way you do :(
For the first time..I'm having the sincere talk..and yeah, with presence of tiny drops of clear crystals
We both realised how we suffer with the absence of US..
And I'm here..laughing again..
Not a single word can describe how I miss your big love hugss toooo!!!! WE both do.
I surrender.
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/16/2009 03:03:00 PM 0 comments
My- Oh- My...
He's 13, name is Alfie and hell that lil baby ain't his sister..she's his new born DAUGHTER! (Maisie). How shocking cute lil children can be these days...who would expect those sweet innocent look on his face ...err he's not soo innocent afterall...not that I'm being judgemental, but man...for God's sake, you're 13! Go play with your PS3, football, cars or watever...not knock some girl up and make babies!
Watching all these news..wat would happen next? Last time, we can play around, hugs, kisses, tickle these cute adorable kids and be all happy about it. Now?? All you know you might "turn them on" just by doing that. Next thing you know..you yourself might get knocked up by these little kids.
OMG...reality is beginning to scare the hell outta me!! You kids are suppose to be adorable and cute..can't you just stay that way forever? Just let the adults do the "business" ok? Puhweeezeee... :-S
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/16/2009 04:47:00 AM 3 comments
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Happy One Year Old Anniversary "Sweetie"!
Yeah...it's exactly one year today...since the first day I have you..it was Valentines 2008. You've been sweeetttt...throughout the year..
However, I'm afraid..that's how far we last..ONE year..I don't think we'll ever see each other again...as you and me will be on our own separate ways..before I even say goodbye; again..
* And yeah..it made it sweet way to the garbage bin..actually, someone reminded me abt this huge lollipop..( u have no idea how huge it is; within a year I only manage to bite the edge there..). We both suddenly remembered, gosh...it's been a year..and we both still have it! Which is why I decided to take a peek at this lil sweetie which I wrapped carefully in a plastic bag..keeping it somewhere in my closet..yeah, room temperature! So, there it is..with a nice parting in the middle and has gone all gooey and sticky..but still partly tough! I guess, you are a sweet lil toughie..just like me...but it's about time for u to go...goodbye sweetie ;)*
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/15/2009 03:56:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Heart Day...Lovessssssss

crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/14/2009 05:18:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 13, 2009
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/13/2009 04:04:00 AM 2 comments
Silly Me ;)
Soo silly of me for mistaken the sugar as salt. Wait..wait i'll explain...don't shoot me yet!
Within this week..I guess made fried rice twice...and twice...i got it sweet! shitty...
OK, my mom just replace all spices containers with new one..and we are using the very fine salt granules. Plus, my mom never put a jar of sugar nearby before...
So, as normal, I went for some pinch of salt...I found it! (At least I thot it was...and why must it be caster sugar this time?)
Took some pinch sprinkle it in the wok...when I have the rice ready...hurmm...there's a hint of sweetness but lack of salt..I put some more...but yet, no difference..heck, I ate it anyway...pouring some soy sauce over and lots better.
For the 2nd time it happens, I said...it must be something wrong with my tastebud...or is it the salt?? Suddenly I came across this idea..could it be sugar?? Took a pinch and taste...snappy sweet!! Great! That explains the mystery of Sweet Hint Fried Rice...what a "good cook" huh?
Hey, one silly mistake doesn't make me a terrible cook! Take my word for it. :D
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/13/2009 01:51:00 AM 12 comments
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Emo Schemo
Urghhh...emonyaaaaaaaaa!! suddenly Rihanna got bashed up by her boy Chris!! I think it's all over the news, net and people are talking about it everywhere. She's somehow injured which is why the postponement is taking place..Aihhh...not a good start :(
Kudos Chris, you officially got people to hate you now!
Get well soon Rihanna! Looking forward for you to get better and having a blastful concert very soon! At the moment someone might just sing along in his Reyhana ;)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/10/2009 10:16:00 PM 0 comments
It's already Tuesday peeps! By Friday, SHE will be here literally!!! Woohooo...RIHANNA will be in KL finally. How I've been bragging abt this perpetually huh? but, the day is finally here! Chill, puteri, chill! Can't wait!
P/s: So, Jason Mraz next month Feisal? hheheheheh ;)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/10/2009 04:40:00 AM 6 comments
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Di"tagged" cik Wawa..
Rajin betul la cik wawa kita main tag2 nieh..Kena buat eh?Ok la..okla..i'll do it..bukan selalu pun ;)
The rule: Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 7 people.

:A Favourite Place:
Besides shopping mall, I must say I go for manicure quiet often..hehhehe...soo..a nail beauty centre! :)

Nick Name I had:
Haaahhhaa..good one! since this comes from u wawa, I'll go by Zeera, altho..too many to mention ;)


:A Bad Habit:
Very stubborn and egois I must say...hurmmm..live with it, embrace it! :P

:My Wishlist:
Becoming the Next Malaysia's Top Model...lol! What?, ok, fooling around...I wish I'm one of Malaysia's millionaires in years to come ;)
Ms Natrisha
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/08/2009 09:31:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Kit is back!! Yeahhhhh!
Yea..you bet..Kit is finally back! (The super smart cool talking black car; what a beauty I must say)
The most exciting part is..it's back with all new young, super hotness heart throb driver! Hiihihihihi... back in the 80's Knight Rider has always been a favourite show of mine and any other kids and adults too, im sure..and now it's back, and my interest never fade away.. (duhhh..who wouldn't, with that georgeous hot young driver..u gotta be kidding me!)
Anyhow, it's premiering exclusively on Starworld tonite at 9 pm. Wooohooo!! I promise gonna sit still in front on TV. Looking forward with sexitedness!! lol =)
* When I was a lil girl, my dad showed me his pic with KIT back when he was in States...and ever since, I have no doubt its REAL! My 2 heroes...freaking cool! :)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/05/2009 03:05:00 PM 6 comments
It's blessing in disguise..woohooo...can I just not be thankful enough for the cough that I'm having? Although hurts, sore..but at the end of the day it's something worth having...hehhehehe.. Not that I'm praying i'll be sick, but for this particular time and day..it's just right. For whatever reason it is..let me just keep it all to myself ;)
* A lil note to someone: Is it necessary for u to stutter? I guess its harder talking to me now huh, when u actually have to pause and stutter just to wish me- get well soon! Goshhh...huahahahahaa..
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/05/2009 02:26:00 PM 0 comments
I love Nigella
For those who watched the Travel and Living channel, I'm sure she's no stranger: Nigella Lawson with her own show- Nigella's Feasts. Just as good as our reknowned naked chef; Jamie Oliver. Somehow I think Nigella makes more sweet treats and wonderful desserts and watching her on TV with her cute english accent where they goes..georgeous..georgeous like gazillion times..simply splendid!
Catch one of her shows today with chocolate theme..where she baked choc cake, choc cheese cake, and triple choc brownies...OMG, almost drooling over the cooked brownies with soft, gooey, smooth inner piece..scrumptious! Somehow lifted my spirit to start baking again..it's been a while..and I cook when I'm happie :)
I wanna go dig the recipe somewhere...it just looked temptingly yummy! It might be a good thing to hear Trish..maybe I'll be able to fix ur favourite brownies when ur here later ;)
Btw, her show is definitely gonna be on my favorites..and believe it or not, she looks her best at the edge of reaching 50 soon! She appeals to me as late 30's/ early 40's though. A good host, good cook, with the heartmelting sweet treats. I simply love Nigella! :D
* On other note, there's a nice and quite reasonable seafood restaurant in Subang Airport. You wanna try that out Trish? ;)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/05/2009 04:08:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Cooking
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Happy Birthday Mr Ruevitzwan Md Isa!
Well...suppose to have a Birthday lunch with this boy together with Roslin, Aiman and Aidil @ Restaurant Puteri, TTDI. ( I dunno why do they have to chose the restaurant with my name on it..lol!) Anyway, got cancelled since Rue got work to do and can't make it...pity, haizzz..anyhow;
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/03/2009 01:03:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Birthday Bash
Monday, February 2, 2009
Rin on the rox...hehhehehe
*Dedicated for u too BFF!! I think I might as well got it posted on my blog..we might just pull it off with something similar very soon!! kakakak...aren't they cute? (the way they goes..yeah...yeah...) rin on the rox singin our favourites Ms Independant!! And I'm soo gonna be one this February :)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/02/2009 03:53:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Despite of partying hard last nice..end up...my throat is having its sore time today...I think it could be of the super massive smokes from my frens..been noticing that lately...when I was pretty much exposed to smokes..my throats become sooo dry and end up having sore throat.. (or could it depend on types of ciggies?) but one thing- I really hate the feeling of sore throat..Erghhh!! or maybe I shd join the crowd? hahahaha...
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/01/2009 10:34:00 PM 0 comments
It's officially February 1, 2008..woohoo!!
Ahhaaaa..as I've been waiting eagerly for this moment..finally it's with me today! The Fabulous February!! hehhehhehe..Woohooo!! Although, i still need to wait for 12 more days till Rihanna's. Doesn't really matter..the fun already started yesterday nite itself...
Went to Maison when my lil bro called asking me out..heehhe...so, decided to get up and dressed and party! Met with bunch of his frens which I barely know who actually took me in on Guestlist..but the girl was extra sweet..she kept asking whether I had fun and I'm ok..hahhhhaa..u bet! or else I wouldn't be dancing on the floor without my heels! (smpi sakit kaki..wahahahha)
So, yeah..I guess coming of February did start off with come good moments..ihhihhiihih. More coming people!! :D
P/s: Trisha baby...yesterday in Maison I met that hunk who used to follow us around in Cynna..ad he sits real close to me..hhahahh..can u believe it? (the one who speaks malay-ish english- acording to kak siti..hehehe)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/01/2009 01:16:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 30, 2009
The reason why :)
TADAAAAA!!!! *wink* ( I should be winking more) lol!
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/30/2009 07:53:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: Beauty
B: Girl, i nak blk dulu
B: U take care ok and hope to see u very soon.
B: Muackss
Me: OK
That is soo unlike me...wat has life taught me? heartless? But deep inside i'm sad..ntah lah...but it's hard..I dunno if i'm able to see u again :(
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/30/2009 05:50:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 29, 2009
2 more freaking days...
Pheww..after a long vacation, time does fly more quickly than usual...So, it's freaking 2 more days left just before we hit.......
Woooooo..I soo can't wait for the moment. Hehehehehehe :D
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/29/2009 03:02:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
I'm not Chinese lorrr....
Pheww... miss my bloggie..and what a tiring journey and drive from up north back to KL...hhehehe..I hope everyone had some awesome Ox New Year..heehehh...anyway, some random conversations along the way:
Happens in OU, while waiting for my friends:
Salesgirl: Come, try our mascara. It'll make your lashes longer.
Me: Ok, I can try that. (She puts some mascara on my lashes)
Salesgirl: Waa..ur lashes are quit long.. (continues applying the mascara)
Me: hhahahaha...thanks.
Salesgirl: Oww..are u malay?
Me: Yeah I am...
She then said...oww...but doesn't look satisfied with my answer..but I chose to cut it there...and end up buying the mascara..HAHAHAAHAHA
Takes place in a Petrol station, Penang.
Me: (I was pumping the gas into the tank)
Pump Attendant: Do you want to check your battery, oil, etc?
Me: Thanks, I just got my car serviced. It's ok...
Pump Attendant: Ooo...Ok, anyway Happy New Year! Ur chinese right?
Me: Erkk??!! No...I'm not..I'm malay la..
Pump Attendant: Hehehee...no, no.. Ur Chinese!
Me: (Eh2..lawan tokey plak mamat nie! confident!) No...I'm not...I'm malay..
Pump Attendant: Ok2..sorry.. (Still looking as if he's saying- yeah..watever, liar!)
Duhhh....confident je!!!! Do I not look like malay? Those are just recent examples...and yeah, I got lots of those since school..
Ok people I gotta confession- I'm actually 1/4 Chinese! But still I don't have those slit eyes, but yeah..maybe the skin! So, I need my tan now. Kekekekeke ;)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/28/2009 02:56:00 PM 2 comments
Friday, January 23, 2009
New Wiper..
Got myself this new wiper bought @ENEOS...since the current one gives such a squeeky sounds each time...erghhh..BUT..how do I assemble the new one? Tak reti...waaaa!! hahaahah..nvm, i'll figure it out somehow..
BTW, will be going to Penang in like few hours from now..so, no more updates in these few days I guess...and I'll definitely miss everyone here, especially my BFF! :(
Will miss my bloggie too!! sob..sob... (mengada nyee...), U guys take care and have a fun Holiday!
Muackxxxxxxxxx!! Hugs and kisses from me..XOXO :-*
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/23/2009 03:41:00 AM 5 comments
Thursday, January 22, 2009
2 Guys, 2 girls, me & our Lunch... ;)
Finally met my IBM sweethearts for lunchy today, hehehehehh...awww...how I miss u guys, and there's just to many things to talk about..Unfortunately 1 hour lunch just seems too short or could it be 1 and the half hours? hehhehee..Oww, btw it's suppose to be tommorow but, I have to cancel it since I'm going to Penang tomorrow! woohoo!! (Aidil sreamed out a big NOOOOOOOO when i break the news..i know, we haven't met for ages..hehe)
Anyway, there's me, Aniza, Sab, ang Gary...oww, but I met Enoch along the way, so I dragged him along...wheee..thanks for your time Enoch! :)
We went for our lunch at My News Cafe, OU and sit and talk and laugh and gossips like we usually do!! Haaaa...makes me feel lot better now..Will sure have another session of this later.
Finally, it's around 1.40pm and these guys need to go back and work. Sad. :(
Time flies so quickly...
As usual, me and Aniza and Sab were hugging each other before I left and as for Gary, everytime we did that..he will be doing this squirky giggle...and we'll be looking at him. I don't know what he's too excited with..Then, Sab and Niza went- "Gary, do you want to hug her? " lol!
Gary is all blushed out..saying- "I'm too shy la.."..Oww..Gary...hahhahaa...then, I go nearer to him by saying- "You wanna hug me, Gary?(having my arms wide open)
We finally hugged! kakkakkka..I don't know..but it feels sooo funny. He's like the most naive chinese guy ever! He is afterall so sweet and the nicest guy ever...really! One of the rarely found species I would say (as in men).
GARY LOW..he is.... :)
* A lil note goes out to all my Chinese friends: HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR EVERYONE! (XINNIAN KUAILE):
Enjoy the celebration, have a good holiday and safe journey everyone! That goes to myself as well..driving to Penang tomorrow..aihhh...mesti jam sia! Anyway...woohooo! :)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/22/2009 09:37:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I absolutely don't fancy what I saw today. Arghhhh...it's killing me...for God sake..why dun u just kill me! :(
* Additional note: Somehow, later on his explanation makes sense...and I'm back smiling! :D
I guess I'm just being overly sensitive lately..haizzz...*
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/21/2009 09:36:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Little devil inside me
Alaaaaaa...my date with kakak today got cancelled pulak...so sad sia! Looking forward to meet her..skli got some personal issues last minute. I know, her life's far more complicated than mine- got a kid, recently divorced, moving out, dating a reverend's son...hahahaha..tell me about it!
Jgn marah kak! I guess i just miss u soo much..cos ur like my other significant twins...soo much in common. Well..till next time then, can't wait to see u sis! Luv ya ;)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/21/2009 05:05:00 PM 0 comments
Upcoming stuff...
Hurm..let's see...after a while being "katak bwh tempurung", maybe its time for me to go out again...shower myself with some sunlight or moonlight..so, I won't look any paler than a vampire! wahahhaaa...
Wednesday, Jan 21: Meeting up with my so called big sister..(FYI, I'm sharing Feisal's sister...shhhh). It's our first meet up!wheeeee..venue and time are yet TBC, but probably at nite, dinner.
Friday, Jan 23: Meeting up with fellow IBMers for lunch ..awwww...i miss all of them! I really do! Maybe Rue, Sab, Aidil, Gary, Niza, Aiman, will be around! hopefully...
(suppose to be today, but smthing came up for some of them, so..Friday it is then!)
In between all of these activities, I only have one thing in mind! SHOPPING!! woohoo..gotta get myself a couple of stuffs..or more?? hheehheehe and owww...I might be going to Penang on Friday itself...MIGHT...hehheehhe....life's good! :D
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/21/2009 04:40:00 AM 0 comments
....and the sms continues....
Oww...wait..this person did reply afterall..late at nite. It goes like this:
Stranger: Dah tak kenal kite ek...cik nazirah.
Me: Huh? I dun even have your no. la...who's nazirah?
Akakakakaka...damn funny! if that someone is thinking of outplaying me..think again! Who's ur daddy now? hahahaahahh... pdn muka! mesti igt salah no. I dun have time to entertain those silly games at this age. HAH!
Anyway..all back to silent mode, again..(GOTCHA!! I guess...) But...hurm..I can't recall...not many calls me nazirah tho...BUT someone did call me AINUN! buwekk...kekkekeee
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/21/2009 04:27:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
SMS from unknown stranger :-S
I woke up this morning just to find 3 smses lined up for me to read...hehhehe...
- Trish: Damn! Terdc! sleep first k? continue besok..nites!! lovess...hugs baby! :) (Heeehe...my BFF!! i dunno why ur sms reached me soo late tho!)
- Aidil: Puteri, tmrw lunch? (Aidil..with his neverending effort to ask me for lunch and movies! kakakak)
- Anonymous: Hi syg. Apa khabar? Lama tak dgr khabar berita. Ni mesti dah ade bf special ni. (erkkk..who the hell is this person?)
-ME: huh? sape ni?
And he/she never replied back..could it be meant for diff person? wrong no? or is there someone out there..purposely outplaying me!!!! Hmpppttthhhh *sigh*
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/20/2009 04:46:00 PM 0 comments
The longest 1 mth ever in my life....hheheh
Gosh...every single day and nite..me and the girls can only talk about the coming february! And for God sake it's still one month away :( ...and I swear it feels like the longest 1 month I ever had in life! mwahahahhah
Please February..come faster! I"m all tumbled up inside...starting off...*drum roll* jeng3..Rihanna!! If only I have the power or time machine..I won't hesitate to use one! Afterall..I'm really all geared up for Feb as I've been locking myself up at home for the past weeks..Feb here I come...all new..ME! :)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/20/2009 03:02:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 19, 2009
Gemia Island- Heaven on earth!
Was chatting with Trisha the nite before and she was suggesting that we should drive to an island or something...with no doubt I quickly agreed (hey, u guys know how I love beachesssssss!!) So we were thinking about Perhentian, Redang etc since they are rather known for the crystal clear beaches. However, just a few nites before, I accidentally browsed over an island which is located somewhere nearby Redang and Perhention- in Terengganu that is..hehhehe
It's a privately owned beach and by looking at the resort and surroundings..I swear, the world stops! hahhhhahaha...I mean, it was breathtaking...those picturesque images..blows me away! Then, I suggested to Trish to take a peek at those sites..she fell in love immediately!! kakkakkaa..didn't u babe? wahahhhaa.. (ade org drool tgk pictures, lol!)
It's still too early but we will definitely plan this trip ahead..perhaps somewhere in June (yayyyy...my birth month!!) or July!! Trisha will be bringing her boy along and she said I can bring whichever boy or whom I want...hahhaaa..as if I can pull them off the street or something! Any takers are welcome to join definitely...do let me know ok!! hehehhehe ;)
Woohoooo!! Gemia Island...wait for us!! definitely looking better than Bali!
* For those who wants to be blown away by the breathtaking images of the island...please do take a quick peek here: http://www.gemia.com.my/ (Satisfaction guaranteed!)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/19/2009 02:03:00 PM 2 comments
I definitely have to blog about this Trish..hehehee..for watever conversation you had with that jerks earlier. "Someone who can dance is good in bed!" Wtf??
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/19/2009 01:21:00 AM 2 comments
Sunday, January 18, 2009
I watched this movie called METROSEXUAL in one of the astro channels. It was a Thai movie...interesting stuff to watch since here in MY we are surrounded by these type of men in our daily life. However it is commonly associated that metrosexual men are gays! Does it necessarily have to be that way? Or it is true that each men has some feminine side hiding inside them?
I'm not sure myself..I'm wondering whether my dad is considered to be "metro" at his age still looking gorgeously smart with carefully ironed clothes, shining shoes, designer's perfume and his set of toiletries wherever he goes..Well, I guess woman nowadays gotta be extra cautious with whom they go out with..all of sudden you might end up with a gay husband..hahahahah!
Same as what happened in the movie..the guy was almost soo close to a marriage until his fiancee's friends crashed their engagement party bringing some evidence saying that this guy is gay. This guy afterall was not gay but he was confused..and he ended up breaking up with the girl and try to live his life as a gay man...........as claimed by others..me, myself felt it's a bit unfair and he should have marry the girl..Who knows, he can be totally straight by then..
Anyhow, you can be the judge..metro= gays? or is it just the trend thats our men have been dragged into? For myself, metro or not...I would be able to detect if that someone is gay or else..hehhheee..but I'm clueless if I would be marrying one! :-S
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/18/2009 03:53:00 AM 2 comments
13 more....
Welcoming 13 for today! :D
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/18/2009 03:52:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 17, 2009
14 more....
14 more to go now!! wheeee... ;)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/17/2009 03:15:00 AM 0 comments
Some interesting stuff...
I finally decided to get my lazy ass up and went to the job fair in MidValley by Job street..although I hate Midvalley!!! damn..
Reached there around 1 plus...crowds are cool..not too stuffy! hehehhee...Walk around...deposit my resumes here and there and came to this booth..Named Accenture ( hahahaha..practically IBM's bus. partner) I was waiting for this one lady talking to the visitors..she's quite sweet..maybe around late 20's..
I was there holding my resume and about to ask her about vacancies available...and she sweetly approached me..."Can I help you? Ok, I'm assuming you're a fresh grads looking for job rite?" With a slight giggle I replied..ermm..I'm not. hehhehee...
She quickly apologised by saying..."I'm so sorry...anyway, you may take that as a compliment from me!" hehehehe..I replied...oww..thanks!
Again it gets me to think...how old does a fresh grads have to be again? 22?23? I'm freaking 27 gonna be in this coming June! On the other hand..it clearly clarifies why I still need my ID checked in certain clubs..hahhahah...end of story! Again..she's a sweet lady and I should be happy for that :)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/17/2009 12:45:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 16, 2009
Down to 15...
Ahah...sweet 15! :)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/16/2009 04:40:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 15, 2009
16 more left....
Less by one day now.... :D :D :D
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/15/2009 05:10:00 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Damn u ppl!! u dun have the rights to say things abt us..as if u guys are beautiful angels, the fact ur just plain jealoussssss!...im soo hurt with wat i read...fuckkkkk!!!!!!
I guess will be staying at home for a couple of weeks...im sad, stressed, upset...and things will definitely change after this..im so sorry i have to distance myself from u...i need my space..this is too much for me! :(
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/14/2009 04:26:00 AM 3 comments
17 more to go..
Hikhik...terskip one day plak...so, now it's 17 more days to go...altho im still a bummer :(
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/14/2009 04:19:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 12, 2009
19 more to gooooooo....
From today onwards I"m gonna start counting days till Feb finally steps in! Woohoo...19 more days to go.... :)
* Reason being there's few of fantabulous stuff i'm looking up to, coming in Feb....woohoo..just wait! :)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/12/2009 06:55:00 PM 2 comments
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Wheee..can't wait to have fun at Rihanna's concert on Feb 13th!! eeheheehehe...my fren once said it was awesome in SG and she even got a backstage pass to see her in person! :( I wish i got that chance...under my umbrella...ahaa...aha..heheehhe..see ya in Feb raihanna and somebody will be bringing his Reyhanna too! hehehee..now, both can meet! :D
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/11/2009 10:59:00 PM 4 comments
Friday, January 9, 2009
"Thanks GuyS!!!!"
Hurmm...doesn't came out right when it's quote and unquote rite? i certainly "enjoy" lil gossips abt me and boy somewhere on the net!!!!!!!!!!! goshhh...hurmm..i guess this is just the price I have to pay! Thanks to my dear frens who's been keeping it low until i eventually found out about it myself!! Adoii..awal2 dah kene gossip! Shd i tell it straight on your face- i told you so! I dunno..i'm just numb! :(
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/09/2009 09:05:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 8, 2009
I went to the supermarket today just to realised how difficult it is for me to choose a toothbrush! haizzz....dun blame me...first it got me contemplating from the various brands- Oral B, Jordan, Aquafresh, Colgate...then, there's criss cross action, regular, medium, soft, click, soft on gum, flexi...gosh!!! Took me 15 minutes or so...to finally pick one..phewww! hehehe :)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/08/2009 11:35:00 PM 1 comments