Walaowei...my typo's getting worst each day. There'll be at least one in each sentence..blerghhh! Maybe I should work with IBM again...to stay detailed and meticulous... errrr! :P
Kombucha/Cendawan mekah/SCOBY
8 years ago
Puteri..princess...watever u call her..hehehehhe..watever it is..she is sure love to have the fun out of everything, and almost have the perfect life for others who are not happier than her, and envy people who she thinks have the perfect life out of everything...i can't be the best out of everything but i'm thankful for everything ;)
Walaowei...my typo's getting worst each day. There'll be at least one in each sentence..blerghhh! Maybe I should work with IBM again...to stay detailed and meticulous... errrr! :P
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 10/07/2009 02:41:00 PM
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