Congratulations to Ika & Zul on their big day! :) May it is full with blessings and joy throughout the coming years to come. Chewahhh...mcm la kenal sgt Izka & Zul nie...we got to know them yesterday..at their wedding. Well, Izka happened to be Kadoq's elder sister- Kadoq's my long lost evil buddy who happened to popped up last week, pastu terus invite me coming to this wedding...or shall I say..he insisted??

I decided to ask Wawa along...who's also a long lost angel.. (U kan baik??)hahahahahah...We keep laughing along the way...soo many stories..soo little time..and best part is..thanks for Kadoq's well designed map we had to go round and round the area, not to mention going round Bulatan Kg Pandan for few times and I told Wawa if I had to go one more round, we'll be going to KLCC instead! lol! I'm beginning to wonder, did Converse really appointed you as their designer????
Anyhow, whatever madness we went through yesterday, it is still undeniably fun! To catch up again after yearsss....wooooo...it was remarkable. We'll promise to see more of each other soon! Madness!! Si Kadoq bergigi taring tu tetap sengal as ever kan wawa kan? I heart u guys still! Mwahxx :)

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