"Hi dear kakzy!! All my fotos got more n more as i have been TOO lazy to add 'em! So im adding them b4 i go to work lah.. Later no time! ahhahahah! Still got some more u know! So do watch out ok? HAHAHAHA! Miss you too! Come to SG soon! Love, me. "
Love, me????? HAHHAHAHHAHA...Wtf???? haiyayayayyya..ur still the same crazy yet naive little dikzy, Michelle Virtucio.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 3/26/2009 08:45:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 3/25/2009 04:48:00 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Selamat Ulang Tahun Sayang... :)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 3/24/2009 10:56:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 22, 2009
My "chicky" Sunday
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 3/22/2009 05:07:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 20, 2009
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 3/20/2009 08:59:00 PM 7 comments
Friday, March 13, 2009
Lovelies in a box :)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 3/13/2009 02:27:00 PM 6 comments
Was somewhere in Amcorp Mall when I was greeted by 2 girls- Good afternoon and suddenly one of them said..whoa...ur so high!! Erkkkkk...what am I? a building? I put on a little smile, look at them and walk away...haiyayaya
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 3/13/2009 09:33:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Selamat Pengantin Baru Izka & Zul ;)

crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 3/10/2009 11:04:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
The Neverending story..goes on and on...
Once upon a time in a magical land far..far away...
There was a cruel king called Hizam.
Hizam was a father with a kid named Thomas.
Thomas ironically is a girl...
Together with his evil wicked wife..
One day, Hizam rides to the forest to head hunting.
While had the song "Sex Dwarved" went thru his head...
Suddenly he heard voices...so familiar it seems...
Like a philharmonic orchestra with a beatiful soprano...
He met with Princess Ainun, trapped in a trapeze of a spider web.
And princess said...r u my prince charming?? ;)
Then suddenly Hizam felt the world around him spin and he fainted...
So fast? naaa...while saying, "my lady what are u doing in the middle of the forest? Are u head hunting as well?"
Princess panicked, couldn't breath...and she fainted too!
Masya allah dua2 pun fainted...Then came Thomas, his son to the rescue...
Subsequently, they both recovered as they heard loud howling from three infamous jungle beasts, Admen, Faezal and Sharifah.
Thomas said...let me spank you....
With confused expressions, Princess said..spank who??
Spank the three infamous beasts...
Owww..please have mercy Thomas..they dun mean any harm...they are my friends... ( said Princess)
But thomas went on and spanked Hizam instead..
Hizam was unexpectedly in a mode of "embracing"
Hizam said, "Thomas! You ungrateful son! Stop spanking me. There are three beasts here. They may eat us anytime! Spank them!!!"
Then Fabio came...
Gang up with the three beasts against Hizam and the lovely son Thomas
Fabio died instantly. Hizam said, "Oh stop introducing new characters!!"
Fabio couldn't die....
But...Fabio my long lost lover!!! oh...my :(
The three beast then decided to play poker among themselves...
Hizam and Thomas were having dinner, fried rice with chicken
Hizam found a double barrel shotgun, mounted with a grenade launcher and snow cone maker...
And those are not guns and explosives!!! Those are MCDonald's latest meals!
So Hizam fed a snowcone to Fabio, the princess gasped...
Then came Dato Siti Nurhaliza singing her latest song...
She was killed by Thomas right away with the magical stones thrown onto Siti's forehead!
ahhhhh..PERCAYALAHHHHH....said Siti in her last word...(of course lah after that she mengucap heheheh)
Hizam was running towards Siti, trying to save her, but too late, Thomas was so good, blame it on Hizam!! LMAO!!
As Siti died, Fabio vanished into thin air.
The princess slapped Hizam with a Webster's Dictionary..
Hizam's teeth were broken and some lost somewhere...
Surprisingly Hizam looked better than before...
Yes, that happened in magical land far-far away....anything is possible...Then, Hizam decided to have a facial appointment with Thomas...
At thomas & guys saloon in puchong coz they are VIP members...
Then Thomas used Oxford's dictionary and slapped Hizam to see whether it works better...
None works better for Hizam...
Hizam fainted. He gasped for air.
Thomas sprinkled some water onto Hizam's face...yawning looking at his father lying unconciously, acting like a lazy Russian peasant...
Then suddenly.....
Iklan Digi berkumandang.
I will follow u...folllow u, wherever u take me...sings the princess as she suddenly become concious..
She or he? i thought it's Hizam who was unconcious.
Hizam was startled by the princess's singing as the voice sounded like Axl Rose, thus Hizam became fully awake..
And find himself lying down naked on a heavenly bed, surrounded by 7 dwarves...
And surprised to see himself in the mirror. "Ya Allah, not George Michael again!"
And he couldnt help but started belting out Careless Whisper passionately..
"It was all a dream!!!" uttered Hizam as he woke up from his sleep in the karaoke room while Zin, Zarina, Faezal and Syed attempted an Il Divo version of Careless Whisper.
Doe a deer a female deer..
Huahahahah..i tot it never came to and end in the first place. It's this game we played where one person starts with a sentence and the other continues...until it eventually stops, and how absurd it has been...lol! New sentences above was contributed by different person, including me! (I bet u guys can easily guess which sentences came from me..)
Anyhow, thanks to Abg Bart for inviting us to play this game along with you, and I'm sure u'll thank me one day for keeping this piece of archive junks with me...huahahaha, it's been real fun and I wonder..maybe Intel does not keep you occupied enough with all those jobs? :P
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 3/09/2009 09:17:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 6, 2009
B: Hey, how's my girl doing?
Me: Aww..morning my boy...
B: Morning sunshine..
Me: hehehhe..im good, r u ok? dah bfast?
B: I'm ok..
B: Girl..I need to tell u something..well, suppose to be a secret. I got to know about it yesterday
Me: Secret? ape nie? U suka buat i berdebar pagi2 ni kan?
B: hahhaahah..well, i'm not suppose to tell u, but u know I always share anything with you kan?
Me: Yeah, i know that..ok, go on..tell me.
B: I tak blh tahan, so, I have to tell someone..and that someone is you
Me: Omg..berdebar ok!
B: Ok, here you go...
Me: OMG..seriously?? itu la rahsianya??? hilang debar i..i igt gossip mana lagi td...cos i seriously can't handle any more..
Haahaahaa..wtf?? somehow I'm soo relieved that is the secret..exaggerating sgt tauuuu!!! I can't handle anything more outrageous than this..
Lil note: Ajak is my fren from Abu Dhabi..and secretly flying back home to surprise us! Boohoo! Big surprise la..and I guarantee you, by now 85% of your frens already knew abt it...hehheheeh..Punk'd u allrite! Plus, my plan to take a break form partying is all screwed, with him coming home..yeah people..u bet! HE'S A REAL PARTY ANIMAL! ;)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 3/06/2009 01:30:00 PM 0 comments
Any kindhearted geniuses mind lending me ur time machine?? I seriously wanna turn back time..enjoyed my past life..its way better than present; I missed those time..and I miss u!
Pleaseeeeeeeee!! I wanna get up next day to be in one of those past days! Seriously, somethings missing here.
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 3/06/2009 05:27:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 5, 2009
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 3/05/2009 12:02:00 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Great..Rihanna made up with Chris Brown! Soft hearted ladies..typical!
Now, I can see myself attending the delayed concert most probably by end of this year. You might get bashed up again within this recovering mode..who knows? Urgghhh *sigh*
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 3/04/2009 09:32:00 AM 0 comments
Birthday Note :)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 3/04/2009 05:33:00 AM 0 comments