Party like a rockstar..ahhhaaa..that's wat kids do best when the parents are out of town..similarly to my case... ( if i dun go out if they are home), not that I become superwild or anything, just less interruptions I would say..or else I would get a text msg at 4 am, asking where r u now?hhahahahhaa...they are more concern on me being all by myself driving alone, and i totally understood.
Anyhow, after partying hard with my girlies last week, (awwww, i seriously miss u girls!!) I went back to cynna last nite..tadaaaa..guess wat? I was caught by surprised- it was Rachel, my IBMers colleague who also happened to sit opposite of me when I was in office. I was so shocked but we were both happy at the same time! Woohooo..lots of catching up to do. I asked her; who else's with you here? She grabbed my meet her frens inside...more surprise...
I guess the stress really makes these people goes hyper on the dance floor. Great, I saw the whole bunch of ppl I know...hhahaah..Jessica, Chintana, Jamie, Jeffrey, Jun Yu, Cass, Chatwin (btw,smooth steps Chat!)..OMG, it became like IBM reunions! hahhaahaha..and everyone goes like..Puteriii!!!!!!!!!!!! when they saw me.. (Feisal, u missed the whole exciting scene, with all those pretty ladies..luckily "princess" was not there)
I must say it was a real surprise, but fun nite! not to mention, some other girlfrens and guys I bumped in yesterday...(until Rachel goes, u have frens all over..hahahah) coincidentally only yesterday, I would say.
I might consider Rachel as my clubbing companion after this, not just because she's a petite, cute sweet girl..she's practically my guardian angel from some sleazy guys. Thanks dearie for your concern until I safely got into my car last nite..and then home...really, my many thanks! :)
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Party scene by surprised!
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/28/2009 10:04:00 PM 12 comments
Friday, February 27, 2009
*Smile* :)
We finally met after few months being away from each other..yeah I decided, I need my space and good for him too.
I must admit things are kinda awkward. I was not behaving the way I should be what? kan? Nothing much changes for him though..the same jolly, happy like he always did..
The big hugs feel good! Warm as always and yeah...u also have my smeared lips stain on ur cheeks as souvenir. It's a habit for you to rub it on your cheeks and take a quick smell- what flavour I'm wearing..hahhahaa...that's sweet! It's always our favourite berries! :)
And somehow, I was soo nervous and end up sweating like pigs while we're having dinner. You gently wipe away my sweat with those tissues in your hand...feels like a new beginning all over again.
Suddenly, life feels like heaven all over again! :D
* Believe me, seronoknya bile ade org tolong kipas and lap peluh masa kita tgh mkn! kakkakaka...envy me people! :P *
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/27/2009 12:43:00 AM 2 comments
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Alahhh..emo all u want! as if I care...tak kuasa nak started it!
Watever happens, I still strongly believe and holding still to what our dearly Kevin said ( and yes, he is Kevin Zahri)- NOTHING IS FREE!
And I'm definitely not risking myself trapped in that complications. Full stop!
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/26/2009 03:52:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
It's not funny...silly!
H: Hi Puteri, how are you?
Me: Hey, i'm good..just a bit tired. Fun wkend. How's urself? What are you doing?
H: Majid went back to China and i'm alone. It's very boring right you have anything to do today?
Me: Aw...pity u..well I have family dinner tonite..maybe tmrw we can go out if you want.
H: No, i don't wanna go out. Maybe you can come to my house tonite. I really want something for tonite..what do you think?
Me: What do you mean by something? your hse? What exactly do you have in mind?
H: Sex!!!
Me: What??? after what happened I really thot ur a good guy..i'm sorry but i'm not any of those cheap sluts! damn u..i'm soo dissapointed!
H: was a joke..c'mon, did u really belive that? I'm actually not in KL right now..I'm in Penang but it is so boring here, so I got bored. Sorry girl, but it was just a joke :)
Well, lemme just stop our sms conversations there..what do you think? Was it seriously a joke in the first place or it became a joke after I cursed him off? I'm so confused..but it was definitely a turn off!
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/24/2009 08:59:00 AM 9 comments
Thursday, February 19, 2009
yada..yada..yakitty yak! :)
Pretty much my upcoming wkend will be very occupied since my BFF is coming to town!! Welcome back to KL girl!!! Woohooo..let's rock the's the plan:
- Check in to Concorde KL at 2 plus...
- Go out to KLCC diggin' our Chillis..omg...*drool*
- Walk around, shop a little
- Back to hotel, dinner
- Get ready for the fantabulous nite @ Cynna...woohooo!!! Just dance like Lady Gaga ok babeee??
- We're through for the nite ;)
- Start off our day with buffet breakfast..I hope I have energy to wake up this early.
- Karaoke session@ Redbox Pavillion
- Walk around, drinks, bowling etc...
- Back to hotel, rest..
- All ready for 2nd nites of fun @ Quattro..woohooo!!! Shake it babyyy!! wahhhahahaha
Sunday's not included...cos I wish it never comes..the fun ends there! erghhh..
Heck, let's not go there is all about FUN! FUN! Yeahhhh..yeayyy!! Any takers wish to join us? hehehhehe :D
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/19/2009 03:38:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 16, 2009
You got me...
I MISS you more than anything in the world....
I really do..the same way you do :(
For the first time..I'm having the sincere talk..and yeah, with presence of tiny drops of clear crystals
We both realised how we suffer with the absence of US..
And I'm here..laughing again..
Not a single word can describe how I miss your big love hugss toooo!!!! WE both do.
I surrender.
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/16/2009 03:03:00 PM 0 comments
My- Oh- My...
He's 13, name is Alfie and hell that lil baby ain't his sister..she's his new born DAUGHTER! (Maisie). How shocking cute lil children can be these days...who would expect those sweet innocent look on his face ...err he's not soo innocent afterall...not that I'm being judgemental, but man...for God's sake, you're 13! Go play with your PS3, football, cars or watever...not knock some girl up and make babies!
Watching all these news..wat would happen next? Last time, we can play around, hugs, kisses, tickle these cute adorable kids and be all happy about it. Now?? All you know you might "turn them on" just by doing that. Next thing you yourself might get knocked up by these little kids.
OMG...reality is beginning to scare the hell outta me!! You kids are suppose to be adorable and cute..can't you just stay that way forever? Just let the adults do the "business" ok? Puhweeezeee... :-S
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/16/2009 04:47:00 AM 3 comments
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Happy One Year Old Anniversary "Sweetie"!'s exactly one year today...since the first day I have was Valentines 2008. You've been sweeetttt...throughout the year..
However, I'm afraid..that's how far we last..ONE year..I don't think we'll ever see each other you and me will be on our own separate ways..before I even say goodbye; again..
* And made it sweet way to the garbage bin..actually, someone reminded me abt this huge lollipop..( u have no idea how huge it is; within a year I only manage to bite the edge there..). We both suddenly remembered,'s been a year..and we both still have it! Which is why I decided to take a peek at this lil sweetie which I wrapped carefully in a plastic bag..keeping it somewhere in my closet..yeah, room temperature! So, there it is..with a nice parting in the middle and has gone all gooey and sticky..but still partly tough! I guess, you are a sweet lil toughie..just like me...but it's about time for u to go...goodbye sweetie ;)*
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/15/2009 03:56:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Heart Day...Lovessssssss

crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/14/2009 05:18:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 13, 2009
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/13/2009 04:04:00 AM 2 comments
Silly Me ;)
Soo silly of me for mistaken the sugar as salt. Wait..wait i'll explain...don't shoot me yet!
Within this week..I guess made fried rice twice...and twice...i got it sweet! shitty...
OK, my mom just replace all spices containers with new one..and we are using the very fine salt granules. Plus, my mom never put a jar of sugar nearby before...
So, as normal, I went for some pinch of salt...I found it! (At least I thot it was...and why must it be caster sugar this time?)
Took some pinch sprinkle it in the wok...when I have the rice ready...hurmm...there's a hint of sweetness but lack of salt..I put some more...but yet, no difference..heck, I ate it anyway...pouring some soy sauce over and lots better.
For the 2nd time it happens, I must be something wrong with my tastebud...or is it the salt?? Suddenly I came across this idea..could it be sugar?? Took a pinch and taste...snappy sweet!! Great! That explains the mystery of Sweet Hint Fried Rice...what a "good cook" huh?
Hey, one silly mistake doesn't make me a terrible cook! Take my word for it. :D
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/13/2009 01:51:00 AM 12 comments
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Emo Schemo
Urghhh...emonyaaaaaaaaa!! suddenly Rihanna got bashed up by her boy Chris!! I think it's all over the news, net and people are talking about it everywhere. She's somehow injured which is why the postponement is taking place..Aihhh...not a good start :(
Kudos Chris, you officially got people to hate you now!
Get well soon Rihanna! Looking forward for you to get better and having a blastful concert very soon! At the moment someone might just sing along in his Reyhana ;)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/10/2009 10:16:00 PM 0 comments
It's already Tuesday peeps! By Friday, SHE will be here literally!!! Woohooo...RIHANNA will be in KL finally. How I've been bragging abt this perpetually huh? but, the day is finally here! Chill, puteri, chill! Can't wait!
P/s: So, Jason Mraz next month Feisal? hheheheheh ;)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/10/2009 04:40:00 AM 6 comments
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Di"tagged" cik Wawa..
Rajin betul la cik wawa kita main tag2 nieh..Kena buat eh?Ok la..okla..i'll do it..bukan selalu pun ;)
The rule: Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 7 people.

:A Favourite Place:
Besides shopping mall, I must say I go for manicure quiet often..hehhehe...soo..a nail beauty centre! :)

Nick Name I had:
Haaahhhaa..good one! since this comes from u wawa, I'll go by Zeera, altho..too many to mention ;)


:A Bad Habit:
Very stubborn and egois I must with it, embrace it! :P

:My Wishlist:
Becoming the Next Malaysia's Top! What?, ok, fooling around...I wish I'm one of Malaysia's millionaires in years to come ;)
Ms Natrisha
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/08/2009 09:31:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Kit is back!! Yeahhhhh! bet..Kit is finally back! (The super smart cool talking black car; what a beauty I must say)
The most exciting part's back with all new young, super hotness heart throb driver! Hiihihihihi... back in the 80's Knight Rider has always been a favourite show of mine and any other kids and adults too, im sure..and now it's back, and my interest never fade away.. (duhhh..who wouldn't, with that georgeous hot young driver..u gotta be kidding me!)
Anyhow, it's premiering exclusively on Starworld tonite at 9 pm. Wooohooo!! I promise gonna sit still in front on TV. Looking forward with sexitedness!! lol =)
* When I was a lil girl, my dad showed me his pic with KIT back when he was in States...and ever since, I have no doubt its REAL! My 2 heroes...freaking cool! :)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/05/2009 03:05:00 PM 6 comments
It's blessing in disguise..woohooo...can I just not be thankful enough for the cough that I'm having? Although hurts, sore..but at the end of the day it's something worth having...hehhehehe.. Not that I'm praying i'll be sick, but for this particular time and's just right. For whatever reason it is..let me just keep it all to myself ;)
* A lil note to someone: Is it necessary for u to stutter? I guess its harder talking to me now huh, when u actually have to pause and stutter just to wish me- get well soon! Goshhh...huahahahahaa..
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/05/2009 02:26:00 PM 0 comments
I love Nigella
For those who watched the Travel and Living channel, I'm sure she's no stranger: Nigella Lawson with her own show- Nigella's Feasts. Just as good as our reknowned naked chef; Jamie Oliver. Somehow I think Nigella makes more sweet treats and wonderful desserts and watching her on TV with her cute english accent where they goes..georgeous..georgeous like gazillion times..simply splendid!
Catch one of her shows today with chocolate theme..where she baked choc cake, choc cheese cake, and triple choc brownies...OMG, almost drooling over the cooked brownies with soft, gooey, smooth inner piece..scrumptious! Somehow lifted my spirit to start baking's been a while..and I cook when I'm happie :)
I wanna go dig the recipe just looked temptingly yummy! It might be a good thing to hear Trish..maybe I'll be able to fix ur favourite brownies when ur here later ;)
Btw, her show is definitely gonna be on my favorites..and believe it or not, she looks her best at the edge of reaching 50 soon! She appeals to me as late 30's/ early 40's though. A good host, good cook, with the heartmelting sweet treats. I simply love Nigella! :D
* On other note, there's a nice and quite reasonable seafood restaurant in Subang Airport. You wanna try that out Trish? ;)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/05/2009 04:08:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Cooking
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Happy Birthday Mr Ruevitzwan Md Isa!
Well...suppose to have a Birthday lunch with this boy together with Roslin, Aiman and Aidil @ Restaurant Puteri, TTDI. ( I dunno why do they have to chose the restaurant with my name on!) Anyway, got cancelled since Rue got work to do and can't make it...pity, haizzz..anyhow;
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/03/2009 01:03:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Birthday Bash
Monday, February 2, 2009
Rin on the rox...hehhehehe
*Dedicated for u too BFF!! I think I might as well got it posted on my blog..we might just pull it off with something similar very soon!! kakakak...aren't they cute? (the way they goes..yeah...yeah...) rin on the rox singin our favourites Ms Independant!! And I'm soo gonna be one this February :)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/02/2009 03:53:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Despite of partying hard last nice..end throat is having its sore time today...I think it could be of the super massive smokes from my frens..been noticing that lately...when I was pretty much exposed to throats become sooo dry and end up having sore throat.. (or could it depend on types of ciggies?) but one thing- I really hate the feeling of sore throat..Erghhh!! or maybe I shd join the crowd? hahahaha...
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/01/2009 10:34:00 PM 0 comments
It's officially February 1, 2008..woohoo!! I've been waiting eagerly for this moment..finally it's with me today! The Fabulous February!! hehhehhehe..Woohooo!! Although, i still need to wait for 12 more days till Rihanna's. Doesn't really matter..the fun already started yesterday nite itself...
Went to Maison when my lil bro called asking me, decided to get up and dressed and party! Met with bunch of his frens which I barely know who actually took me in on Guestlist..but the girl was extra sweet..she kept asking whether I had fun and I'm ok..hahhhhaa..u bet! or else I wouldn't be dancing on the floor without my heels! (smpi sakit kaki..wahahahha)
So, yeah..I guess coming of February did start off with come good moments..ihhihhiihih. More coming people!! :D
P/s: Trisha baby...yesterday in Maison I met that hunk who used to follow us around in he sits real close to me..hhahahh..can u believe it? (the one who speaks malay-ish english- acording to kak siti..hehehe)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 2/01/2009 01:16:00 PM 0 comments