TADAAAAA!!!! *wink* ( I should be winking more) lol!
Friday, January 30, 2009
The reason why :)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/30/2009 07:53:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: Beauty
B: Girl, i nak blk dulu
B: U take care ok and hope to see u very soon.
B: Muackss
Me: OK
That is soo unlike me...wat has life taught me? heartless? But deep inside i'm sad..ntah lah...but it's hard..I dunno if i'm able to see u again :(
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/30/2009 05:50:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 29, 2009
2 more freaking days...
Pheww..after a long vacation, time does fly more quickly than usual...So, it's freaking 2 more days left just before we hit.......
Woooooo..I soo can't wait for the moment. Hehehehehehe :D
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/29/2009 03:02:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
I'm not Chinese lorrr....
Pheww... miss my bloggie..and what a tiring journey and drive from up north back to KL...hhehehe..I hope everyone had some awesome Ox New Year..heehehh...anyway, some random conversations along the way:
Happens in OU, while waiting for my friends:
Salesgirl: Come, try our mascara. It'll make your lashes longer.
Me: Ok, I can try that. (She puts some mascara on my lashes)
Salesgirl: Waa..ur lashes are quit long.. (continues applying the mascara)
Me: hhahahaha...thanks.
Salesgirl: Oww..are u malay?
Me: Yeah I am...
She then said...oww...but doesn't look satisfied with my answer..but I chose to cut it there...and end up buying the mascara..HAHAHAAHAHA
Takes place in a Petrol station, Penang.
Me: (I was pumping the gas into the tank)
Pump Attendant: Do you want to check your battery, oil, etc?
Me: Thanks, I just got my car serviced. It's ok...
Pump Attendant: Ooo...Ok, anyway Happy New Year! Ur chinese right?
Me: Erkk??!! No...I'm not..I'm malay la..
Pump Attendant: Hehehee...no, no.. Ur Chinese!
Me: (Eh2..lawan tokey plak mamat nie! confident!) No...I'm not...I'm malay..
Pump Attendant: Ok2..sorry.. (Still looking as if he's saying- yeah..watever, liar!)
Duhhh....confident je!!!! Do I not look like malay? Those are just recent examples...and yeah, I got lots of those since school..
Ok people I gotta confession- I'm actually 1/4 Chinese! But still I don't have those slit eyes, but yeah..maybe the skin! So, I need my tan now. Kekekekeke ;)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/28/2009 02:56:00 PM 2 comments
Friday, January 23, 2009
New Wiper..
Got myself this new wiper bought @ENEOS...since the current one gives such a squeeky sounds each time...erghhh..BUT..how do I assemble the new one? Tak reti...waaaa!! hahaahah..nvm, i'll figure it out somehow..
BTW, will be going to Penang in like few hours from now..so, no more updates in these few days I guess...and I'll definitely miss everyone here, especially my BFF! :(
Will miss my bloggie too!! sob..sob... (mengada nyee...), U guys take care and have a fun Holiday!
Muackxxxxxxxxx!! Hugs and kisses from me..XOXO :-*
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/23/2009 03:41:00 AM 5 comments
Thursday, January 22, 2009
2 Guys, 2 girls, me & our Lunch... ;)
Finally met my IBM sweethearts for lunchy today, hehehehehh...awww...how I miss u guys, and there's just to many things to talk about..Unfortunately 1 hour lunch just seems too short or could it be 1 and the half hours? hehhehee..Oww, btw it's suppose to be tommorow but, I have to cancel it since I'm going to Penang tomorrow! woohoo!! (Aidil sreamed out a big NOOOOOOOO when i break the news..i know, we haven't met for ages..hehe)
Anyway, there's me, Aniza, Sab, ang Gary...oww, but I met Enoch along the way, so I dragged him along...wheee..thanks for your time Enoch! :)
We went for our lunch at My News Cafe, OU and sit and talk and laugh and gossips like we usually do!! Haaaa...makes me feel lot better now..Will sure have another session of this later.
Finally, it's around 1.40pm and these guys need to go back and work. Sad. :(
Time flies so quickly...
As usual, me and Aniza and Sab were hugging each other before I left and as for Gary, everytime we did that..he will be doing this squirky giggle...and we'll be looking at him. I don't know what he's too excited with..Then, Sab and Niza went- "Gary, do you want to hug her? " lol!
Gary is all blushed out..saying- "I'm too shy la.."..Oww..Gary...hahhahaa...then, I go nearer to him by saying- "You wanna hug me, Gary?(having my arms wide open)
We finally hugged! kakkakkka..I don't know..but it feels sooo funny. He's like the most naive chinese guy ever! He is afterall so sweet and the nicest guy ever...really! One of the rarely found species I would say (as in men).
GARY LOW..he is.... :)
* A lil note goes out to all my Chinese friends: HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR EVERYONE! (XINNIAN KUAILE):
Enjoy the celebration, have a good holiday and safe journey everyone! That goes to myself as well..driving to Penang tomorrow..aihhh...mesti jam sia! Anyway...woohooo! :)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/22/2009 09:37:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I absolutely don't fancy what I saw today. Arghhhh...it's killing me...for God sake..why dun u just kill me! :(
* Additional note: Somehow, later on his explanation makes sense...and I'm back smiling! :D
I guess I'm just being overly sensitive lately..haizzz...*
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/21/2009 09:36:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Little devil inside me
Alaaaaaa...my date with kakak today got cancelled pulak...so sad sia! Looking forward to meet her..skli got some personal issues last minute. I know, her life's far more complicated than mine- got a kid, recently divorced, moving out, dating a reverend's son...hahahaha..tell me about it!
Jgn marah kak! I guess i just miss u soo much..cos ur like my other significant twins...soo much in common. Well..till next time then, can't wait to see u sis! Luv ya ;)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/21/2009 05:05:00 PM 0 comments
Upcoming stuff...
Hurm..let's see...after a while being "katak bwh tempurung", maybe its time for me to go out again...shower myself with some sunlight or moonlight..so, I won't look any paler than a vampire! wahahhaaa...
Wednesday, Jan 21: Meeting up with my so called big sister..(FYI, I'm sharing Feisal's sister...shhhh). It's our first meet up!wheeeee..venue and time are yet TBC, but probably at nite, dinner.
Friday, Jan 23: Meeting up with fellow IBMers for lunch ..awwww...i miss all of them! I really do! Maybe Rue, Sab, Aidil, Gary, Niza, Aiman, will be around! hopefully...
(suppose to be today, but smthing came up for some of them, so..Friday it is then!)
In between all of these activities, I only have one thing in mind! SHOPPING!! woohoo..gotta get myself a couple of stuffs..or more?? hheehheehe and owww...I might be going to Penang on Friday itself...MIGHT...hehheehhe....life's good! :D
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/21/2009 04:40:00 AM 0 comments
....and the sms continues....
Oww...wait..this person did reply afterall..late at nite. It goes like this:
Stranger: Dah tak kenal kite ek...cik nazirah.
Me: Huh? I dun even have your no. la...who's nazirah?
Akakakakaka...damn funny! if that someone is thinking of outplaying me..think again! Who's ur daddy now? hahahaahahh... pdn muka! mesti igt salah no. I dun have time to entertain those silly games at this age. HAH!
Anyway..all back to silent mode, again..(GOTCHA!! I guess...) But...hurm..I can't recall...not many calls me nazirah tho...BUT someone did call me AINUN! buwekk...kekkekeee
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/21/2009 04:27:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
SMS from unknown stranger :-S
I woke up this morning just to find 3 smses lined up for me to read...hehhehe...
- Trish: Damn! Terdc! sleep first k? continue besok..nites!! lovess...hugs baby! :) (Heeehe...my BFF!! i dunno why ur sms reached me soo late tho!)
- Aidil: Puteri, tmrw lunch? (Aidil..with his neverending effort to ask me for lunch and movies! kakakak)
- Anonymous: Hi syg. Apa khabar? Lama tak dgr khabar berita. Ni mesti dah ade bf special ni. (erkkk..who the hell is this person?)
-ME: huh? sape ni?
And he/she never replied back..could it be meant for diff person? wrong no? or is there someone out there..purposely outplaying me!!!! Hmpppttthhhh *sigh*
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/20/2009 04:46:00 PM 0 comments
The longest 1 mth ever in my life....hheheh
Gosh...every single day and nite..me and the girls can only talk about the coming february! And for God sake it's still one month away :( ...and I swear it feels like the longest 1 month I ever had in life! mwahahahhah
Please February..come faster! I"m all tumbled up inside...starting off...*drum roll* jeng3..Rihanna!! If only I have the power or time machine..I won't hesitate to use one! Afterall..I'm really all geared up for Feb as I've been locking myself up at home for the past weeks..Feb here I come...all new..ME! :)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/20/2009 03:02:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 19, 2009
Gemia Island- Heaven on earth!
Was chatting with Trisha the nite before and she was suggesting that we should drive to an island or something...with no doubt I quickly agreed (hey, u guys know how I love beachesssssss!!) So we were thinking about Perhentian, Redang etc since they are rather known for the crystal clear beaches. However, just a few nites before, I accidentally browsed over an island which is located somewhere nearby Redang and Perhention- in Terengganu that is..hehhehe
It's a privately owned beach and by looking at the resort and surroundings..I swear, the world stops! hahhhhahaha...I mean, it was breathtaking...those picturesque images..blows me away! Then, I suggested to Trish to take a peek at those sites..she fell in love immediately!! kakkakkaa..didn't u babe? wahahhhaa.. (ade org drool tgk pictures, lol!)
It's still too early but we will definitely plan this trip ahead..perhaps somewhere in June (yayyyy...my birth month!!) or July!! Trisha will be bringing her boy along and she said I can bring whichever boy or whom I want...hahhaaa..as if I can pull them off the street or something! Any takers are welcome to join definitely...do let me know ok!! hehehhehe ;)
Woohoooo!! Gemia Island...wait for us!! definitely looking better than Bali!
* For those who wants to be blown away by the breathtaking images of the island...please do take a quick peek here: http://www.gemia.com.my/ (Satisfaction guaranteed!)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/19/2009 02:03:00 PM 2 comments
I definitely have to blog about this Trish..hehehee..for watever conversation you had with that jerks earlier. "Someone who can dance is good in bed!" Wtf??
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/19/2009 01:21:00 AM 2 comments
Sunday, January 18, 2009
I watched this movie called METROSEXUAL in one of the astro channels. It was a Thai movie...interesting stuff to watch since here in MY we are surrounded by these type of men in our daily life. However it is commonly associated that metrosexual men are gays! Does it necessarily have to be that way? Or it is true that each men has some feminine side hiding inside them?
I'm not sure myself..I'm wondering whether my dad is considered to be "metro" at his age still looking gorgeously smart with carefully ironed clothes, shining shoes, designer's perfume and his set of toiletries wherever he goes..Well, I guess woman nowadays gotta be extra cautious with whom they go out with..all of sudden you might end up with a gay husband..hahahahah!
Same as what happened in the movie..the guy was almost soo close to a marriage until his fiancee's friends crashed their engagement party bringing some evidence saying that this guy is gay. This guy afterall was not gay but he was confused..and he ended up breaking up with the girl and try to live his life as a gay man...........as claimed by others..me, myself felt it's a bit unfair and he should have marry the girl..Who knows, he can be totally straight by then..
Anyhow, you can be the judge..metro= gays? or is it just the trend thats our men have been dragged into? For myself, metro or not...I would be able to detect if that someone is gay or else..hehhheee..but I'm clueless if I would be marrying one! :-S
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/18/2009 03:53:00 AM 2 comments
13 more....
Welcoming 13 for today! :D
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/18/2009 03:52:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 17, 2009
14 more....
14 more to go now!! wheeee... ;)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/17/2009 03:15:00 AM 0 comments
Some interesting stuff...
I finally decided to get my lazy ass up and went to the job fair in MidValley by Job street..although I hate Midvalley!!! damn..
Reached there around 1 plus...crowds are cool..not too stuffy! hehehhee...Walk around...deposit my resumes here and there and came to this booth..Named Accenture ( hahahaha..practically IBM's bus. partner) I was waiting for this one lady talking to the visitors..she's quite sweet..maybe around late 20's..
I was there holding my resume and about to ask her about vacancies available...and she sweetly approached me..."Can I help you? Ok, I'm assuming you're a fresh grads looking for job rite?" With a slight giggle I replied..ermm..I'm not. hehhehee...
She quickly apologised by saying..."I'm so sorry...anyway, you may take that as a compliment from me!" hehehehe..I replied...oww..thanks!
Again it gets me to think...how old does a fresh grads have to be again? 22?23? I'm freaking 27 gonna be in this coming June! On the other hand..it clearly clarifies why I still need my ID checked in certain clubs..hahhahah...end of story! Again..she's a sweet lady and I should be happy for that :)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/17/2009 12:45:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 16, 2009
Down to 15...
Ahah...sweet 15! :)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/16/2009 04:40:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 15, 2009
16 more left....
Less by one day now.... :D :D :D
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/15/2009 05:10:00 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Damn u ppl!! u dun have the rights to say things abt us..as if u guys are beautiful angels, the fact ur just plain jealoussssss!...im soo hurt with wat i read...fuckkkkk!!!!!!
I guess will be staying at home for a couple of weeks...im sad, stressed, upset...and things will definitely change after this..im so sorry i have to distance myself from u...i need my space..this is too much for me! :(
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/14/2009 04:26:00 AM 3 comments
17 more to go..
Hikhik...terskip one day plak...so, now it's 17 more days to go...altho im still a bummer :(
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/14/2009 04:19:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 12, 2009
19 more to gooooooo....
From today onwards I"m gonna start counting days till Feb finally steps in! Woohoo...19 more days to go.... :)
* Reason being there's few of fantabulous stuff i'm looking up to, coming in Feb....woohoo..just wait! :)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/12/2009 06:55:00 PM 2 comments
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Wheee..can't wait to have fun at Rihanna's concert on Feb 13th!! eeheheehehe...my fren once said it was awesome in SG and she even got a backstage pass to see her in person! :( I wish i got that chance...under my umbrella...ahaa...aha..heheehhe..see ya in Feb raihanna and somebody will be bringing his Reyhanna too! hehehee..now, both can meet! :D
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/11/2009 10:59:00 PM 4 comments
Friday, January 9, 2009
"Thanks GuyS!!!!"
Hurmm...doesn't came out right when it's quote and unquote rite? i certainly "enjoy" lil gossips abt me and boy somewhere on the net!!!!!!!!!!! goshhh...hurmm..i guess this is just the price I have to pay! Thanks to my dear frens who's been keeping it low until i eventually found out about it myself!! Adoii..awal2 dah kene gossip! Shd i tell it straight on your face- i told you so! I dunno..i'm just numb! :(
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/09/2009 09:05:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 8, 2009
I went to the supermarket today just to realised how difficult it is for me to choose a toothbrush! haizzz....dun blame me...first it got me contemplating from the various brands- Oral B, Jordan, Aquafresh, Colgate...then, there's criss cross action, regular, medium, soft, click, soft on gum, flexi...gosh!!! Took me 15 minutes or so...to finally pick one..phewww! hehehe :)
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/08/2009 11:35:00 PM 1 comments
I wanna be...
Fine...sue me for watching too much sitcoms or friends...or romantic comedy..but I always have one wish...from watching all these series!!
I wanna be like Monica and Chandler from F.R.I.E.N.D.S
I wanna be like Catherine and Nick (Picture Perfect)
I wanna be like Papi and Chloe (Beverly hills chihuahua..well, if we put it animalwise..hehe)
All above all...i wanna be someone who's unnoticeable and one day came out being noticed and fell in love with the one i adore....
Instead..i'm always being noticed...taken for granted and later ignored!!! My biggest achievement has always been too close to the situation but no happy ending!
Perhaps i'm daydreaming, sick, high...but can someone just please..please...granted my wish!!! I really hope....
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/08/2009 12:44:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Whats with December??
Many has came out with prediction that December will actually be end of the world..frankly speaking...anything which can be predict by human minds- i will not buy it. First of all, simply bcause God said..we will have no idea when the end of the world is coming..although we can see how soon it is by looking at some signs which are practically happening now.
However, to think back...many disastrous events are actually happening in december years back...I still remember the Tsunami, the landslides, the Highland tower tragedy..all happening in december..and the dates are not much difference from year to year..it's normally near to Xmas day or around there..
I dunno..maybe there is a possibility it's happening in december..but please dun came out with exact date because I swear..none of have any idea about that! and we have no idea how terrified we will be with it coming...as much as I'm afraid thinking about it..i'm not ready..God forgive me!
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/07/2009 04:22:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Maybe I'm just better off without him or him without me..maybe...but i'm really giving it a careful thoughts...after wat someone told me tonite...maybe I would....hermmm...
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/03/2009 05:33:00 AM 0 comments
Semonel 2009..
Wat a day to start my new year...semonel...sulky..sulky! hate when it happens..urghhh...maybe pms-ing! period. hhuhhhuhuhuhhu...dun talk to me now or u'll be ignored! boohooo!!!!
crappy talk by Devilicious Angel at 1/03/2009 04:15:00 AM 0 comments