We're so close of stepping to 2009...many had happened in 2008 tho...happy, sad, joy, lost, and all sorts of stuff..As each year passes by..I don't really have a resolution...its more like what I wanna have or do, which is why I name it "wish list" instead...hehhehe...let's see what we got:
- Bali trip ( I'm sooooo in need for this, this is a MUST!)
- A new tanned skin (hehehheh) which compliments my bali trip kekekekek
- A new car
- Days of partyy!! (Well, I guess I will only stop partying when I'm 30 or married, whichever comes first..hehhehe)
- Better job, with better pay!
- Better Boyfriend (*ok, im kidding here! hehheeh)
- February Girlsout- with a mission...
- More saving, which is why I gotta have better pay!
- More vacations, trips, shopping!!! yeayyy!
Aightt..so these are all I can came out at the moment but I'm sure there'll be add-on later! Not bad, a good start! Good luck girl! and Happy 2009 peeps! :D